
A Comprehensive Look at Arizona Child Support Guidelines

A Comprehensive Look at Arizona Child Support Guidelines

When divorcing, most married spouses with children are familiar with the concept of child support but may not be familiar with the legal guidelines surrounding it, how the specific amount is calculated, whether or not it can change, and for how long it must be paid. Specific child support guidelines vary from state to state…

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How to Approach Your Spouse About Legal Separation

How to Approach Your Spouse About Legal Separation

If you and your spouse have been struggling in your marriage, you may have decided to try separating for a while. For some couples, a separation gives each other a break but also allows for constructive communication and therapy to hopefully get the marriage back on track. For other couples, a separation acts as a…

Covenant Marriages and What They Mean for Couples

Covenant Marriages and What They Mean for Couples Arizona is one of three states that allows couples to choose covenant marriages. These are unions in which each partner agrees to participate in counseling that underscores the requirements of marriage before the wedding. Covenant marriages are a distinct legal structure in the eyes of the law,…

Healthy Coparenting After Divorce

For many, the word “divorce” brings to mind images of angry parents, exorbitant court costs, and months or even years of court hearings. Sadly, these images are realities for many couples involved in divorce litigation. Statistics show that litigating couples lose a third of the value of their assets to attorneys. Furthermore, litigation fosters competitiveness…

5 Things Mediation Can Help Solve

Through mediation, couples are usually able to work through divorce proceedings with far less stress than traditional methods. This alternative to court-based divorce can be easier on the kids and is often less expensive than other routes. These and other factors have made mediation services the first choice for many couples. What many people don’t…

Understanding the Process of Divorce Mediation

Are you dreading a stressful courtroom battle with your soon to be ex-spouse? Divorce mediation is the easiest way to settle your differences with minimal anxiety and expense. As a matter of fact, couples who choose to partake in mediation save more than 75% on legal fees. If you are considering alternative solutions for your…

The Benefits of Online Divorce Document Preparation with “As-Needed” Mediation

For some divorcing couples, the process of ending a marriage can take many months of painful court hearings, and a final result that no one is happy about. More and more people are now choosing alternative options for divorce in an attempt to make the entire process less excruciating. In many cases, online divorce document…

Family Mediation: Knowing When to Compromise

Are you faced with legal issues that can impact other members of your family? Whether you are dealing with an upcoming divorce or dividing a substantial inheritance, it is not uncommon for relatives to face off in court. Family mediation, however, is an affordable alternative that allows you to settle your differences peacefully. Here are…

Divorce Mediation versus Trial

Divorce is never easy. However, relying on litigation to dictate the terms of your divorce can substantially increase both the emotional and financial cost of divorce. Divorce mediation can be used to help you and your soon to be ex-spouse make decisions on your own terms, often with a savings of tens of thousands of…

Understanding the Role of a Divorce Mediator

Perhaps you have heard about mediation and how effective it is at helping couples navigate through divorce proceedings without the necessity of time-consuming court appearances. However, you may be wondering exactly how a mediator is able to achieve this result. As you consider the many benefits of mediation in resolving your divorce, here is some…

Five Things to Know About Prenuptial Agreement (“Prenups”)

Unfortunately, many couples decline to establish prenuptial terms prior to their wedding day. This can lead to huge financial hardships and courtroom stresses down the road. Here are some points to keep in mind when considering prenuptial mediation agreements. Who Needs a Prenup? Everyone can benefit from a prenuptial agreement. These documents are in place…