Mediation Blog

Keep up-to-date with news and articles about Divorce and Divorce Mediation.

Phoenix and Tucson Divorce Mediation: Retain Control and Be Heard

Unlike attorneys who want to control and judges who are too busy to listen, in mediation divorcing couples retain control of all decision making and get to speak and be heard. This is one of the reasons why all of the mediators with Out-of-Court Solutions’ Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tucson, and other Arizona locations have advanced degrees…

Mediation: Avoiding the Hazards of Self-Representation

For clients considering self-representation during a divorce, the option of mediation offers the benefit of working with a legally-trained practitioner who possesses a wide array of knowledge and skills.  For example, mediators provide clients with all of the relevant legal, financial and tax information necessary to make fully informed decisions. During a divorce, this knowledge is crucial…

Clients Determine the Pace of Mediation in Phoenix, not Judges or Attorneys

Divorce mediation ensures that clients determine the pace that is appropriate for their particular situation. For some clients, this means moving through the mediation process quickly and efficiently. Other clients may require a different pace, in order to manage the range of emotions that are typically associated with the divorce process – anger, sadness and…

The Benefits of Mediation Extend Beyond Divorce

Following a divorce involving minor children, continued amicable communication between parents is essential for the best interest of the children. For this reason alone, mediation has benefits that extend beyond the communication surrounding the initial divorce.  For example, according to many former Arizona clients in Chandler, Scottsdale, Glendale, Tucson, and other cities throughout the Phoenix metropolitan…

Assets too Complex for Phoenix Divorce Mediation?

Having mediated over 1500 divorces in Read more about divorce mediation Phoenix, Scottsdale, Chandler and other cities in the Phoenix metropolitan area, it’s my experience that many divorcing who have substantial assets mistakenly believe that their case is too complex for mediation. However, the truth is quite the opposite: when a mediator has extensive backgrounds…

Children of Divorce

Early on in my career as a mediator it became apparent that grief is endemic to divorce. I realized that sooner or later virtually everyone going through divorce – including children of divorce – is bound to experience the stages of grieve common to the loss of marriage: denial, anger, sadness, bargaining, and acceptance. This…

Mediated Divorces: The Smart Way to Divorce

Why do so many celebrities like Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries, and Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegran mediate their divorce? The answer is simple: their managers tell them that in addition to being private, mediation will save them a lot of time, money and aggravation by avoiding adversarial lawyers and…